Naseem Chettah

Naseem Chettah

IT Student

M'sila, Algeria

About Me

My name is Naseem, and I am from Algeria! Welcome to my personal web page.


Computer Repair

2019 - 2022 · KIM Tech


B.T.S. in Computer Science

2023 - 2025 · INSFP M'sila

Thesis: on it...


The Oxidized Airport

a school project where I’ll be using Tauri and SurrealDB to create a nice application to book flights and airport stuff.

Al Kindi

Al-Kindi Convertor is a simple app I wrote to help my classmates convert values in the numeric bases BIN, OCT, DEC and HEX.


Oracle DBMS
Backend Development (LAMP, Golang)
Prompt Engineering
GNU/Linux Administration
Data Entry and Management
Document Formatting and Markup
Scripting (Rust, BASH)


  • Coding
  • GNU/Linux
  • Tribal Art & Tattoo Design
  • Writing/Reading